Monday, January 24, 2011

I feel good so suit me!!!

You quit a job or break up with someone, then you realize that this was the best decision for you and that you feel better, actually you feel good, you put yourself together and got a new perspective and you start being in the stage of feeling good not the stage of denying because I know that stage of denying being in pain and doing crazy things. You start doing pretty cool things, which you always had the intention to do but there was always something that stops you, well now you have the time and the opportunity to do new things and to explore new prospects in life. You keep enjoying your new you till you find a phone call from a friend or a colleague, a friendly one trying to be there for you and his curiosity pushed him to ask how do you feel, you answer his question saying I feel good, so you realize a change in the caller's tone saying hmm you feel good, what do you do everyday? Have you met someone? Have you started a new job? So you defend yourself saying no, but I do things I love, I jog for instance, I read, I sightsee, I travel...etc So you realize another change in the tone, a lit a bit frustrated tone, saying you read, jog and travel and you feel good!! You really need help, you`re hiding your real feelings, you should start dating, or focus on getting a new job and he ends the call telling you that he will help and see what he can do about your hopeless case. You keep doing what you`re doing and you keep feeling good except that from time to time you ask yourself am I wrong? Is it weird to feel good, to move on and to get ready for my next stage? You start to forget about that call till you meet another friend in the mall, after a hug she asks how do you feel, so you say I feel pretty good actually I'm doing wonderful things these days, so she makes one more step toward you and say in a friendly tone no I mean how do you really feel? So you repeat what you have just said, but nobody listens to you, and the friend says now I started to worry about you, I can help..... You find a bubble above your head like in the cartoon in which you appear jumping up and down saying I really feel good, I am not lying or acting.
You leave the friend in the mall and walk away with a huge astonishment look on your face, you have no idea what's wrong with people or is it you? You keep searching deep inside you for the feeling you are hiding, but nothing is working, you still feel good instead of the depression, regret, sadness feelings requested by others for you.
Well my friend I have a good news for you, nothing is wrong with you, you feel good, you do not deny your status, you just feel good and try to make the best use of your time, how could that be wrong? People just have that obsession with interfering in others life and fixing them even though they are not broken like Evanescence's song. I also have some cool tips for you:
-          When you meet that friend or get that call let them hear what they are calling for, tell them well I feel bored and don't have much things to do, so you will find them smiling and telling you that's what we warned you about but don't worry it is going to be o.k.
-          Or you can tell them how you really feel then don't bother yourself listening to a word they say, imagine that you are in the beach laying in the sun enjoying your time but just draw a smile on your face and say at the end of the speech thank you, you've been so helpful lately.
-          Or wait I have a better idea, what about buying a shirt with your favorite color and print on it I feel good so suit me, you can do whatever you want, it's your life, they can't push you to feel bad about feeling good, they will keep intruding and interfering forever that's what they are good at, and you should keep doing what you are good at, being positive, moving on, making steps forward
            everyday even by just reading a book. That's what they cannot do and what they envy you for.
So pick the suitable solution for you, just keep being you and don’t give a shit about them

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