Sunday, December 12, 2010


How could gifts turn to be a curse that tortures you? It is supposed that gifts give you joy and happiness. I'll give you an example I believe I do have a gift, I remember everything, said, done, birthdays, anniversaries, everything. But lately it had turned to be a curse because I do remember every tiny detail while others forget about the whole things. First my concept was to enjoy my gift and surprise others by remembering almost everything, but suddenly that turned to be so painful because nobody surprises me, I have to remind them first of what I want them to remember. I send midnight birthdays messages, I keep searching for the right present for weeks to simply see the surprised face and to let them know that I care. Well I know you will say it is not a big deal and people get busy in their lives, I understand that and totally have no problem with it, I just had that thought that there is a difference between forgetting because of busy life and making no effort to remember. Sometimes you just hear that voice deep deep inside you, wouldn't it be better if you were like them. The answer is no I'm grateful for having that gift and I became pretty good at finding excuses for others for not remembering almost anything, Maybe he or she is sick, depressed, has problem and need my help and I am so selfish to only think about myself or probably I should not be that demanding or wait wait that is my favorite quote: Never explain.  Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe it anyway. So I end by feeling guilty for having these bad thoughts, I'm the one  supposed to be their friend. So conclusion you have to adapt to the duties of your gift and try to forget the mistakes and remember the good things that's my tip.

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