Monday, February 7, 2011

The whatever guy

Have you noticed him? Have you got the chance to really know him? I mean the whatever guy, he's that colleague at work or college who seems to be so indifferent, who always has a common answer: Whatever. What do you think of his behavior; don't you think he crossed the line? We are going out; would you like to join us? Do you like that place? He lets you feel that nothing is important to him, everything is the same, joining you or not, going here or there, like or dislike that person, it's all the same for him because he doesn't care.
He's always focused on something, computer screen, paper work, music, drinking something or smoking maybe, he's not that person who gets bored sometimes and you find him at your desk seeking a little chat because he seems always knowing what to do and well managing himself.
Have you noticed him? Have you noticed that others dislike him, he's different, and what is he trying to tell us? I'm better than you; I mind my own business and don't like gossips? They follow him with their eyes everywhere, they start faking stories about him, and here comes the rumors stage. And of course all that behind his back, they draw a fake smile on their faces when he's around. You doubt that he knows what is going behind his back, but he keeps being himself because he doesn't care about their opinions, whatever they say doesn’t bother him because he doesn’t care.
Days pass and one day you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, failed in your exam and need help with this course, had a work problem which seems unfixable, had a personal problem which affects your evaluation at work, you seem like alone reed standing tall trying to survive a storm. You keep searching for any support but with no success, suddenly you find an invisible hand reassuring you and offering help. Yes it's him the whatever guy, he knew what you've been trough and he seemed caring for the first time, you didn't hear whatever or I don't care, he just helped you and gave you the needed support without even asking him. You get the chance to really know him for the first time, he's not anymore the whatever mysterious guy, you find out that he really cares about good people, and that whatever was only a kind of defending system, he's so sensitive and had been hurt deeply so many times by closed persons, so he created a defending system. He decided not to freeze or shake anymore because of family issues, or friends deceptions, or people's meanness, he chose to focus on himself, to improve his skills, to stand up for his own more and to care about what people-specially stupid ones- think less. He is a perfect supportive, helpful friend, you find him or he finds you -to be more precise- when you need him.
So next time you see that guy around, do not be shallow like others and start prejudging him, we all have secrets and we all have the right to deal with our problems so why don't we enjoy diversity and  respect others?  If someone is different or act like one let him be whatever he wants since he didn't invade your boundaries. Our problem is that we expect from others to act like us, but personalities are just like fingerprints, impossible to find two identical.
The American philosopher Emerson said:
Shall I tell you the secret of the true scholar? It is this: Every man I meet is my master in some point, and in that I learn of him.
Great tip isn’t it? So why don’t we learn from each other? You have a positive character that I don’t have so I learn from you and vice versa. And the same in what concerns negative characters. I have nothing better to end with than what preceded, so start considering that tip and trust me it works.

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